Routines characterize running culture, and runners. While we all prepare in our own way, each of us pays attention to the details that will enable us to reach our own personal goals. #5k

Running, Specialprojects

No individual is the same, but we all feel the energy and excitement as we begin our race. PRs never come without pain. The #5k is no different, it is surely long enough to find out what you are really made of. Victories are what we make them; they urge us forward, even when we don’t think we are ready.

 The #5k is more than a race. When it is done there is always something to show for our effort. It could be a PR, but more importantly we have put ourselves on the line, embraced the challenge, learned to appreciate what comes from this test of our #Sisu. As we reflect on the race and chat with other runners afterwards, there is a kinship in the struggles felt by all, regardless of experience or skill. Many runners begin with the #5k, but the challenge never ends.

As you unwind and recover, you are empowered, you feel in your body the performance you gave. You are eager to re-group and prepare once again for a test, you know that you can do better, that you will become stronger, but for now you enjoy your accomplishment.